I wonder why some computers are working and some are not 🙂

Powering Potential has a very dedicated group of people working with it. The computer guys are striving diligently to solve our software problems. It is such a relief to me to have such knowledgeable, committed people involved with Powering Potential. I also hired Happy Mashinga, a former Banjika graduate, to help us. On Saturday she helped set up student accounts on the computers, test all the mouses (is it mouses or mice?), accurately set the date and time, and we taught her the proper way to turn on and off the solar energy system. When Albin is in Dar es Salaam and I am in New York, she will be on-site to help. She lives a short distance from the school.

Happy has a lot of potential to power.

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1 Comment

  1. I like the name "Happy". Happy does seem to have a lot of potential to power. It's serendipity.

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