Exciting News: Welcoming The Addax and Oryx Foundation to the Powering Potential Family!

We are excited to announce that the Addax and Oryx Foundation has become a new funder of Powering Potential! 

The Addax and Oryx Foundation is a leading funder of projects that target the root causes of poverty in Africa and the Middle East. Their generous support will enable us to reach more students in Tanzania with our award-winning solar-powered computer program. 

This new funding will help us to provide 446 girls and 350 boys in two schools in the Karatu District in Tanzania with access to solar-powered computers, digital libraries, and training materials. With these resources, students will be better prepared to succeed in school, secure employment, and become productive global citizens!

This is a major milestone for Powering Potential, and we are grateful to The Addax and Oryx Foundation for supporting our mission to enhance education through technology in developing countries. Their investment will make a real difference in the lives of young people in Tanzania and help them reach their full potential.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together. 

Powering Potential Continues to Empower Youth with Successful Installation of Computer Labs at Oldeani and Chaenda Secondary Schools

In our relentless mission to empower the youth of Tanzania through solar energy and technology, we are thrilled to announce a remarkable achievement – the successful installation at Oldeani and Chaenda Secondary Schools in the Karatu District

The new computer labs will contribute to leveling the playing field for students in Tanzania, who often don’t have access to the same resources as students in developed countries. “In bridging the digital divide through these newly installed computer labs, we are not just providing technology but also dismantling barriers to knowledge. We are grateful to our donors and partners for making this possible, and we are excited to see the impact these labs will have on the lives of students and teachers,” commented PPI Executive Director Caitlin Kelley.

The halls of Oldeani and Chaenda Secondary Schools are buzzing with the promise of a brighter future as solar-powered computer labs stand ready to ignite young minds. These new learning hubs represent more than just equipment; they symbolize opportunities that will shape the future of countless students. 

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to empower youth, one computer lab at a time.