On May 17th, Powering Potential Inc. (PPI) held its annual fundraiser at the Tufenkian Artisan Carpets Showroom featuring an appearance by the Tanzanian Ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Modest J. Mero, a silent auction, and live entertainment by Tanzanian singer Kokugonza Mugarula. To honor their continuing support, Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to Collegiate Churches of New York, Manny Ackerman, Mary Lennon, Jim Allen and Charles Saaf of Skadden Arps, and Ned Barlas of Akin Gump.

To read Ambassador Mero’s comments click here and for more pictures of the fundraiser click here.
Altogether, Powering Potential raised $7,000 that will go towards the expansion of its award-winning SPARC (Solar Powered Access to Raspberry Computing) program. This money will be used to purchase and install solar infrastructure and affordable Raspberry Pi computers in rural Tanzanian public schools that would not otherwise have access to modern learning aides.
David Saitowitz, Portfolio Manager at Apollo Global Management, and his wife Jessica Saitowitz were among the generous donors that evening. David heard about Powering Potential through his friend Greg Obenshain, who currently serves as Treasurer on PPI’s Board of Directors.
“I was born in South Africa, and though my family immigrated when I was young, I still feel a connection with the continent,” David said. “Africa is home to large populations of underserved people, and while the need is great, we still need the smaller, grassroots, micro-level development projects.”
“Powering Potential is making a big difference by doing exactly this kind of work, and I’m glad I was able to contribute towards its continuing success.”
“The work being done in African countries is underpublicized,” he continued. “There is a lot of good happening abroad that is ignored because people tend to focus on the negative, especially in Africa. It is vital that we spread the message of hope and positivity.”
Powering Potential has been providing rural Tanzanian public schools with modern educational resources since 2007, and has successfully installed solar power systems, computers and digital libraries in 29 schools. To make a contribution, visit our donation page by clicking here.