Letter from Founding Director, Janice Lathen

Dear Contributors and Friends,

It is hard for me to believe that Powering Potential is in its tenth consecutive year. It seems like very little time has passes since I started this adventure by greeting the students of Banjika Secondary School in Karatu, Tanzania with “Jina langu ni Janice. Mimi ni mwalimu. Ninafundisha elimu ya kompyuta.” (“My name is Janice. I am a teacher. I teach computer classes.”) The warmth and enthusiasm of their response inspired me to bring computers to their school and Powering Potential was born.

Elitumaini Rweyemamu was one of those students and his story is the story of Powering Potential. From his introduction to technology at the Banjka Secondary School in 2006 to his graduation from college with a B.A. in Languages and Management in 2015, he epitomizes the success of our efforts. Elitumaini is currently working for Powering Potential as the Community Relations Manager and we are so honored to have him on the team. He states: “I am proud of it, that my name will also one day exist in history of the people who brought technological revolution to children and youth of Tanzania.”

How far we’ve come! Since 2006, Powering Potential has helped more than 10,000 students in 29 Tanzanian co-ed public schools supplement their secondary-level education with access to offline educational resources. We’ve installed 29 solar power systems, more than 100 computers, and provided thousands of hours of relevant technical training to ensure our work is effective and sustainable.

Our groundbreaking work for under-served Tanzanian communities has been reported in the Huffington Post and the Christian Science Monitor. We’ve been funded by the Tanzanian government and many other major organizations, including the US Embassy, Newman’s Own Foundation, Raspberry Pi Foundation, and Segal Family Foundation.

A strong network of donors ensures that we can continue providing these life-changing opportunities for Tanzania’s rural students. Our goal is to raise $30,000 which will allow us to implement the Computer Lab-Phase 2 program at two additional schools.

  • $200 provides one complete computer unit with access to a digital library
  • $700 will purchase two projectors
  • $3,500 is the cost of one solar energy system at a Phase 2 school

Of course, contributions of any amount will be sincerely appreciated and bring us closer to our goal. Powering Potential is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please join forces with us to bring the light of knowledge to students sitting in the dark by donating at poweringpotential.org/donate.

Onward and upward,
Janice Lathen
Founding Director

Tanzanian Organization Established

We are excited to announce that the Potential Enhancement Foundation (PEF) has been established in Tanzania by Tanzanians to continue the work of Powering Potential Inc. (PPI).  This is a dream come true for PPI.  As Julius Nyerere, the father of Tanzania said, “If real development is to take place, the people have to be involved.”  This coming year will be a year of transition as PPI continues to transfer more and more responsibilities to the Executive Council of PEF:

Mr. Theophilus Mlaki, Chair.  An expert in Information and Communication Technology for Rural Development (ICT4RD). Former Director of Information at the Tanzanian Commission for Science and Technology.

Dr. Amos Nungu.  Head of the National Centre of Excellence in ICT, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology in Tanzania and CEO of the Tanzania Education and Research Network and project manager of the ICT4RD program.

Mr. Sabasaba Moshingi, Treasurer.  CEO of Tanzania Postal Bank.

Mr. David Sem.  Sales and Marketing Manager at Tourism Promotion Services (Tanzania) Limited (Serena Hotels).

Eng. Albin Mathias, General Secretary and Executive Director.  (PPI’s Country Director since 2011).

PEF was officially registered on September 14, 2016 as a local Non-Government Organization (NGO) operating on a national level. We had wanted to use the name Powering Potential-Tanzania but that name was not acceptable. The Tanzanian government has strict criteria for NGO names so the Potential Enhancement Foundation was chosen which is in keeping with Powering Potential’s philosophy of powering/enhancing human potential.

PEF, in collaboration with Powering Potential, will implement a number of projects in Tanzania, including the Computer Lab-Phase 2 program at the Nainokanoka school in Ngorongoro District (Phase 2 is the addition of 15 computers and solar power expansion.)

The Endallah and Slahhamo Secondary Schools in Karatu District are also preparing for a Computer Lab-Phase 2 implementation.

In 2017, in the spirit of explore and discover, PEF plans to run a Raspberry Pi Workshop bringing together Tanzanian technology experts and teachers and students from Powering Potential schools.  This workshop hopes to motivate students and teachers to use solutions provided by technology to enhance the process of teaching and learning.

The Executive Council of PEF held their first meeting on Nov. 12 which was attended by Mr. Theo Mlaki, Dr. Amos Nungu and Eng. Albin Mathias.

PEF Executive Council members (l. to r.),
Eng. Albin Mathias, Theo Mlaki, and Dr. Amos Nungu
(absent Mr. Moshingi, David Sem)
Grandvilla Hotel, Dar es Salaam
Nov. 12, 2016

Open Source Initiative’s first African Affiliate Member

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) invited Powering Potential to apply for membership and unanimously accepted us as an Affiliate Member and as their first African Affiliate Member.  We were invited to apply for membership after OSI featured our work on their blog in June. OSI is an organization dedicated to promoting open source software development, innovation and collaboration on a global scale.

Powering Potential has a firm commitment to enhancing education in rural Tanzania. To do so, we utilize 5-watt Raspberry Pi computers powered by solar energy. Each unit is fully configured and contains open source software from other OSI Affiliate Members such as Debian Linux, LibreOffice, and Python. We also use an open source programming language called Scratch. This software enables us to sustain our programs by keeping maintenance costs down while enabling students to benefit from leading edge technology.

We hope to strengthen the open source movement internationally with this collaboration and provide more opportunities to the Tanzanian people in the process. This includes spreading awareness about other OSI Affiliate Members and open source projects in Africa.

Open source technology is a platform we use to encourage Tanzanian youth to compete on a world stage. Our Educating-Through-Technology programs with the RACHEL offline educational content from WorldPossible.org have reached more than 10,000 students and enabled them to advance their education and secure employment with their technology skills.

Founding Director Janice Lathen expressed her excitement about this development: “We are honored to be an Affiliate Member of OSI and especially honored to be their first African Affiliate Member. This membership reaffirms our commitment to open source and other aspects of the sustainability movement such as solar energy.”

o o o 

The following Swahili proverbs are courtesy of The Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois. Swahili is the beautiful language of Tanzania:

Kila chombo na faida yake. 

Every tool has its use. Nothing is done or made without a reason.

Iweke mizizi ya juhudi.

Plant the roots of generosity. 

On the Move in Tanzania

This summer, Powering Potential has been on the move. Our Founding Director Janice Lathen and Country Director Eng. Albin Mathias both traveled to Uganda to attend the Segal Family Foundation (SFF) Annual Meeting from August 13-15.

A terrific speech by Keynote Speaker Graca Machel and a live performance by Emmanuel Jal and the African Children’s Choir made the event memorable.

“As always the Segal Family Foundation Annual Meeting is packed with practical information,” Janice remarked. “The opportunities to network with SFF partners and funders are vital to Powering Potential’s growth.” SFF has been supporting Powering Potential since 2009 and renewed their commitment again this year. Thank you SFF!

Founding Director Janice Lathen & the Karatu team

Afterwards, Janice continued her two week trip in East Africa by traveling to Karatu, Tanzania to visit the Powering Potential office and a school.

Janice met with ICT Manager Neema Lyimo and hosted a luncheon for the Karatu team to celebrate our 10 year anniversary and to say “thank you.”

A visit to WelWel Secondary School to check on their progress was also completed before Janice visited Dar es Salaam.

Janice then met with three members of the Executive Council for the independent NGO (Non-Government Organization) which we are establishing in Tanzania to continue the work of Powering Potential: Dr. Amos Nungu, Mr. Theophilus Mlaki, and Country Director Eng. Albin Mathias.

Founding Director Janice Lathen and
ICT Manager Neema Lyimo

Janice and Albin attended meetings with Mr. Muhwela Kalinga and Dr. Frank Tilya to discuss the monitoring and evaluation of the programs. Powering Potential needs someone to design and implement a professional system to evaluate the success of our programs.

Janice met with Mr. Suleiman Saleh, who works in the African Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Corporation, to discuss our progress and plans.

She and Albin also met with Faraja Nyalandu, CEO of ShuleDirect, to discuss piloting an installation containing a digitized version of the Tanzanian curriculum at a Powering Potential school. Jaffar Mjasiri, assistant news editor for the Tanzania Standard Newspapers, also took the time to meet with our Founding Director. And Janice had a social visit with Ambassador Mwanaidi Maajar, the former TZ Ambassador to the US.

Our plans to install 40 Pi-oneers across the mainland regions of Lindi and Singida were impacted by new customs regulations. We met with the Permanent Secretary of Regional Administration and Local Government to help us retrieve the computer equipment.

Eng. Albin Mathias with Eng. Mussa I. Iyombe,
Permanent Secretary of
Regional Administration and Local Government.

After we complete the Pi-oneer installation we will focus on implementing the Computer Lab-Phase 2 program at two more schools. This is only possible because of the generosity of our readers. Visit PoweringPotential.org to spread the word about our cause and donate today.  Asante sana (Thank you)! 

o o o 

The following Swahili proverbs are courtesy of The Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois. Swahili is the beautiful language of Tanzania:

Atendaye njema atalipwa zizo.

The one who does well, will be paid likewise.

Rehema, kisima.

Compassion is like a well. 

Ngorongoro Software Upgrades Completed

A few words from ICT Manager Neema Lyimo and Technical Consultant Denis Christopher:

The Powering Potential team has been working hard at Lake Natron and Soitsambu Secondary Schools upgrading the software used in our solar-powered Raspberry Pi Computer labs. A similar upgrade will happen at the Nainokanoka Secondary School soon as well. In the photos below, you can see us assembling the computers and getting them ready to be installed in the lab:

Denis Christopher,
Powering Potential Technical Consultant

Neema Lyimo,
ICT Manager 

After giving a presentation on the new features we added to the Raspberry Pi units, the teachers at Lake Natron Secondary School were eager to check for themselves:

The Teachers of Lake Natron Secondary School

After the installation at Soitsambu Secondary School, we began showing the students the new features. They were so happy to participate:
Students at Soitsambu Secondary School 
We are happy indeed that this portion of the software update went well. Our gratitude goes to everyone who participated with our cause. Powering Potential continues to flourish in our efforts due to the contributions of foundations and individual contributors like you. If you would like to help us continue giving rural Tanzanian students access to technology and modern education resources, visit PoweringPotential.org to donate today. 
Asante sana (Thank you)! 
o o o 

The following Swahili proverbs are courtesy of The Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois. Swahili is the beautiful language of Tanzania:

Daima mbele.

Always forward.

Kuishi ni Dhamiri.

Living is the intention. What makes a life worthwhile is having a purpose, an aim.

10th Anniversary Celebration

An evening to remember 

A fun time was had by all on June 9th at the kick off event for Powering Potential’s 10th anniversary celebration held at the Hemingway African Gallery located in the Manhattan Art & Antiques Center.

At the height of the evening, more than 60 people were enjoying fabulous hors d’oeuvres provided by Curious on Tanzania and its founder Justa Lujwangana.

The TWIGA ladies prepared Mandazi (Tanzanian donuts), Vitumbia (Swahili rice cakes), Chapati (flat bread), Muhogo (fried cassava or yucca) and fresh Tanzanian fruit salad – all mouth watering!

As guests filled their plates, the ladies provided descriptions of each food. Sponsors Heritage Link Brands and Corks on Columbus also provided our guests with wine throughout the evening.

Guests sampling Tanzanian cuisine 

Founding Director Janice Lathen was introduced and, in an emotional presentation, she awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to The Segal Family Foundation.

This honor was accepted by Katherine Anderson, the foundation’s Knowledge and Communications Manager.

Members of Powering Potential’s management team, Rich Segal and V. Ena Haines, as well as our founding advisors, Scott Morgan, Anand Sethupathy and Surya Sayed-Ganguly also received Certificates of Appreciation. Our Country Director Albin Mathias was recognized too but could not be present.

Several honorees and Board President Milton Finger remarked about Powering Potential’s achievements over the past 10 years, citing our growth and outreach that has impacted more than 7,500 rural students in Tanzania.

Dahlia Farrar,
Curious on Tanzania Founder Justa Lujwangana,
Founding Director Janice Lathen and Cheritha Saulsby

The presentation was followed by a spirited, interactive performance of “MAJI MAJI: The Journey of Fetching Water” given by Curious on Tanzania. In colorful costume, Founder Justa Lujwangana, Cheritha Saulsby, and Dahlia Farrar had our guests singing along and everyone got with the rhythm.

Ellen Friedman and Mary Jane Cross

A wonderful committee headed by Betsy Kovacs and Ellen Friedman assembled an impressive group of items and services for our Silent Auction, which brought in approximately $1,400.

Our upcoming plans are to implement a Computer Lab – Phase 2 program at two schools (Endallah and Slahhamo) and a Computer Lab – Phase 1 program at three additional schools. Over $10,000 was raised toward this goal during our June 9th fundraiser. And Barry Segal of the Segal Family Foundation donated $10,000 in honor of his son Rich Segal.

Special thanks goes to Brian and Logan Gaisford, owners of the Hemingway African Gallery, Selena Cuffe, CEO of Heritage Link Brands, for wine; Brad Segal, Corks on Columbus, for wine, and our event organizer Georgia Allen for her incredible work.

We extend our gratitude to the Silent Auction Committee members: Betsy Kovacs, Ellen Friedman, Marcia Fingal, Carol Iannone, Mary Lennon, M.J. Cross, Nicole Sullivan, and Jean Van Buuren. Henry Seggerman and Richard Mushi were also valuable volunteers working with us the entire evening to ensure the success of our event.

Additional thanks to Sophia Yona-Luangisa and Doris Rweyememu from the TWIGA Ladies Organization and members of the NY-TZ community for going above and beyond to give our guests a great time.

Generous contributors to our Silent Auction included:

Brad Segal, Corks on Columbus
Ailene Fields, Sculptor

A Touch of Art 

David Sem, Serena Hotels, Tanzania
Edwin Montalvo, Artist
Frederick Renz, Early Music Foundation, Inc.
Felicia Sanzari Chernesky, Author
Grace Roselli, Fine Art Photographer
Greta Muller, Executive Coach & Corporate Trainer
Jeff Bayone, Honors Bridge Club
Jen Gentile, Life Coach
Jennifer Binder, Aces and Cavendish Bridge Clubs
Jennifer Tyler, Knitwear
Jordan Auslader, Genealogist
Jeffrey Badler, Mauric Badler, Jewelers
Michelle Lechner, Belford Knits
Mick Chiodo, Photographer
Peter Wise, Guitarist
Richard Barclift, Artist
Robbyn Tongue, Saxophonist
Shannon McLinden, Farmhouse Fresh
Ric Kallaher, Photographer
Edwin Montalvo, Artist

The success of Powering Potential is dependent on the generosity of our sponsors, patrons and individual contributors. We thank you from our hearts for participating in the fundraiser and hope to have just as much fun during the next one. Onward & Upward!

Guests browsing through the Gallery

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Swahili is the language of Tanzania. The following African proverbs are another taste of that beautiful language:

Anikio huzaa fanikio.

Success breeds success.

Huwezi kujua ukiwezacho mpaka umejaribu.

You cannot know what you can do until you’ve tried.

Zanzibar Pi-oneer Project Completed

Arriving at Kisiwa Pannza island in Pemba

A few words from Albin Mathias our County Director:

Powering Potential has been hard at work in the Zanzibar Archipelago. Wikipedia lists this remote chain of islands off the coast of East Africa as a network of four main islands. Only three have active human populations.

Our efforts have been on Unguja and Pemba Islands, the first and second largest of the three. The fourth consists of coral. Journeying as far as Mafia Island takes you into the Pwani Region and additional islets beyond Zanzibar.

This May, our team completed the implementation of the Pi-oneer Program for 16 schools in Zanzibar. Each school was selected by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training-Zanzibar (MoEZ). A total of 11 secondary schools were selected from Unguja Island: Jongowi, Tumbatu, Uzi, Michamvi, Charawe, Ukongoroni, Kijini, Pwani Mchangani, Kidoti, Mbuyutende, and Kandwi. An additional 5 schools are located on Pemba Island: Kisiwa Panza, Makoongwe, Fundo, Shungi, and Tumbe.

To our delight, we were accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Education-Zanzibar which provided a car and driver for our implementation team. We thank them sincerely for their presence! We were also given a great welcome by the teachers and students. Below is a photo of me with the officials as we headed to schools in Pemba. The following people are from left to right: Five students from Makoongwe Secondary School in Makoongwe Island; Musa Khamisi Musa, Operation and Service, MoEZ Pemba; Albin Mathias, Country Director for Powering Potential; Mwalimu Haji Kombo, Regional Education Officer for South Pemba; two students.

Our Team 

Working together bega kwa bega (shoulder to shoulder) with the MoEZ has allowed our program to be successfully implemented in Zanzibar. Every team player loved the work and participated with commitment.

In fact, the commitment was so apparent that the photo below was taken at 5am. Our driver and the head of the store were wide awake to load the equipment to take to the Zanzibar port for Pemba shipping.

L to R: Babu Ally the Driver and Rajabu Omari,
the head of store in MoEZ Zanzibar
We took some photos at Mbuyutende Secondary School. Powering Potential gives each school a “Pi-oneer.” The Pi-oneer is an innovative teaching tool comprised of a Raspberry Pi computer with RACHEL offline educational content that includes Khan Academy videos, a mobile projector, screen and a solar recharging unit. Teachers can take the Pi-oneer into the classrooms to display video and other teaching materials to the students. 
Training at  the Mbuyutende Secondary School 

At Mbuyentende Secondary School, Mr. John Panga, our solar technician, assembled a Pi-oneer recharging unit while Mr. Ramadhan Othman Juma, Officer for Student Services, MoEZ and some of the primary kids watched. They were excited by the process. Then someone snapped a photo (below) of me with Mr. Rajabu Omary at the temporary desk we set up for Powering Potential Equipment Testing and Configuration at MoEZ.

The Powering Potential
Equipment Testing and Configuration

At each school, I led the groups in training on the Pi-oneer. Everyone was eager to learn and helpful in their questions. After each session, the teachers had an opportunity to practice what they learned on the equipment. 

Pi-oneer training at Kandwi – Unguja
Pi-oneer training Tumbe- Pemba
Teachers practicing Pi-oneer at Kijini -Unguja
I am very pleased that this portion of the installation went so well. Our gratitude goes to the Raspberry Pi Foundation for their generosity in donating funds for this project. Special thanks to the Segal Family Foundation for providing a matching grant towards its completion as well! This month we continue the program by installing the Pi-oneer at 40 schools on the mainland of Tanzania. Powering Potential continues to flourish in our efforts due to the contributions of foundations and individual contributors like you. If you would like to help us continue giving rural Tanzanian students access to technology and modern educational resources, visit poweringpotential.org to donate. Asante sana (thank you)!

o o o 

Swahili is the language of Tanzania. The following African proverbs are another taste of that beautiful language:

Maarifa ni kama bustani: isipolimwa haitavunwa.

Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it can’t be harvested.

Bega kwa bega.

Shoulder to Shoulder.

Powering Potential’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

The Hemingway African Gallery

Powering Potential is happy to announce that we are holding a reception launching the 10th Anniversary Celebration of our service in Tanzanian education on June 9th, 2016! Our event will be held from 5pm to 8pm at: 

Manhattan Art & Antiques Center 
Gallery 96 
1050 Second Ave. (56th St.) 
New York, NY 10022 

The cost is $50 per person with wine, hors d’oeuvres, and a silent auction for attendees. If you wish to attend, see instructions below.

Curious on Tanzania

We are delighted to have Curious on Tanzania as a sponsor of our event! Founder Justa Lujwangana will provide a variety of Tanzanian hors d’oeuvres for your sampling pleasure. 

Curious on Tanzania is a social traveling platform that spreads awareness of Tanzanian culture, cuisine and arts. Having attended previous events hosted by our sponsor, we can say that our guests are in for a treat!

Heritage Link Brands
Heritage Link Brands will provide wine as well. The company maintains a consumer base of over 4,000 outlets, representing the following brand name labels: Seven Sisters, House of Mandela, M’hudi, One World, and Casa Valduga.

They are committed to highlighting African culture, entrepreneurship and fair trade policy. Be sure to look for these brands at your local retailers.

Corks on Columbus, a wine retailer

located on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, is also sponsoring our event. Their goal is to
offer customers quality wines from
lesser known producers while offering many of the well-established names you have grown to know and love. They provide customer service that caters to both the sophisticated wine buyer and the novice. Their store is a go-to destination for wine to enjoy summer evenings in the City That Never Sleeps.

Serena Hotels

Corporate Sponsor Serena Hotels is also lending a helping hand by offering two vacation packages for our Silent Auction: 2 nights for two at Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge and 2 nights for two at Kirawira Serena Camp (Serengeti). We commend Serena Hotels for their efforts to support Tanzanian education.

You can make a reservation for our Anniversary Celebration by donating $50 or more per person at poweringpotential.org/donate or make a check payable to FJC (our fiscal sponsor) and mail to:

Powering Potential Inc.
PO Box 230973 
New York, NY  10023

The full donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You can contact us at 929-265-1167 and rsvp@poweringpotential.org for more information about our event. Kindly reserve by May 30, 2016.

If you are unable to join us, please consider making a donation to support Powering Potential’s Educating-Through Technology programs in Tanzania. The full donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
On behalf of the students of Tanzania, asante sana (thank you)! 
o o o 

Swahili is the language of Tanzania. The following African proverbs are another taste of that beautiful language:

Kila ufanyacho kifanye vema.
Whatever you do, do it well.

Mwenye kujitahidi hufula.
The one who makes an effort will succeed.

Baray School Phase 2 Installation

Students viewing Khan Academy videos

A Few Words from Albin Mathias, 
Country Director of Powering Potential: 

This Easter (March 27) our team celebrated the successful implementation of the Computer Lab-Phase 2 installation at Baray Secondary School in the Karatu District, Tanzania.

The school was out on break for Easter, but most Form 2 and 4 students opted to stay and continue with studies in preparation for their National examination.

These students were very excited! Once again, they approached the computers with the happiness I recall from 2012 when Phase 1 was implemented in their school. Most of these students have experienced using the RACHEL Education Resources. The first thing we noticed when the lab was ready to use is the way students ran to open them.

Students outside excited to get a glimpse
of the new computer lab

We met new teachers during the installation. Some were not working at the Baray School in 2012 when Phase 1 was implemented, but they have ideas of knowledge planted.

Science and Mathematics is still a challenge, especially for remote schools. Technology can help both teachers and students to simplify the learning process.

Madam Elizabeth, for example, is a Swahili  Teacher. While looking at a physics video, she  thought most students who opted not to take  physics should now reconsider with these new  tools. It makes a big difference for all of them.

Country Director Albin Mathias explaining our
Pi-oneer program

We express our sincere thanks to everyone who made this happen! This Phase 2 installation was made possible with support from the International Foundation, The Collegiate Churches of New York, SanDisk Corporation, Warren, Michael & Ena, Judy, Ahna, Lynn & Carrie, Chuck & Carole, Dan, Pam and Nancy!

The generosity of our donors allows the students to fulfill their dreams. Be a part of their lives by donating to Powering Potential.

On behalf of the students in Tanzania, asante sana! (thank you!)

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Swahili is the language of Tanzania. The following African proverbs are another taste of that beautiful language:

Akili ni mali.
Intelligence is an asset. 

Anayejitahidi hufaidi.
One who tries hard will profit.

Ten Years Ago Today

Janice Lathen with students at Banjika Secondary School

A personal note from Janice Lathen, Founding Director of Powering Potential:

Exactly ten years ago today, I stood in front of a classroom of students at the Banjika Secondary School in Karatu, Tanzania and said, “Jina langu ni Janice. Mimi ni mwalimu. Ninafundisha elimu ya kompyuta.” “My name is Janice. I am a teacher. I teach computer classes.” 

The students burst into excited applause and that expression of appreciation sparked a passionate desire in me. In that moment I decided to go home, raise money and buy 10 computers and return to spend a month teaching them how to use the computers. Powering Potential was born! Then I learned the school had no electricity.

How could I have imagined on March 9, 2006 that Powering Potential would become what it is? It is a humbling experience.

As I reflect on that day, I’m moved to tears when I think of all the people who are joining forces with me to bring educational resources, computer technology and solar power to students in rural Tanzania.

We started small, first one laptop, then five computers, and now there are 106 computers in 13 schools in three districts and we are about to bring our Pi-oneer program to an additional 56 schools. Students are getting college degrees and starting careers in technology.

Touched by Technology

Serious funders support us: first and foremost the Segal Family Foundation, also the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania, United Nations Women’s Guild, Newman’s Own Foundation, The International Foundation, IEEE Foundation, Collegiate Churches of New York, SanDisk Corporation, Raspberry Pi Foundation, TZ Rural Energy Agency, TZ Postal Bank, Serena Hotels, and hundreds of individuals.

The Tanzanian government including H.E. Dr. Jakaya Kikwete, former president of Tanzania, has expressed appreciation of our work. The Tanzanian Education Authority is considering a partnership with us. Powering Potential–Tanzania is being established which will be an independent organization led and funded by Tanzanians with additional funding and support from Powering Potential Inc. The torch is being passed.
Powering Potential’s vision is: All students in Tanzania experiencing the joys of technology: efficient production, easy access to information, and communication with others.

Janice Lathen with students at Banjika Secondary School

And our mission: Use technology to enhance education and stimulate imagination of students in Tanzania while respecting and incorporating values of the local culture— especially cooperation over competition, community over the individual, modesty over pride, and spirituality over materiality. 

Hats off to all the people who are joining the effort to realize the vision and fulfill the mission! As a teacher at Banjika school said, “Before Janice came to our school, no one knew anything about the Computer. They did not know even what it looked like. It is amazing that now the kids are able to type something in the Computer and print with their own hands. These are great Changes.” 

Be a part of these “great Changes.” This month we begin implementing Phase 2 of our Computer Lab program at the Baray Secondary School and we still need $6,000 to complete the funding. Contribute what YOU CAN.

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Swahili is the language of Tanzania. The following African proverbs are another taste of that beautiful language:
Haba na haba, hajuza kibaba.
Little by little fills the measure.

Kila jambo na wakati wake.
There is an opportune time for everything.